Following Jesus means being God’s hands, feet, voice, and bank account for the oppressed and undeserved. How do we start to live out of the abundance of God’s kingdom versus adopting the fearful and selfish scarcity mentality of the unjust economies surrounding us – economies where the rich do get richer as the poor grow poorer?
This week in part five of a six-part video podcast series from the book Revolutionary Kingdom: Following the Rebel Jesus, the founding pastor of Providence Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, Jacob Armstrong, and I talk about how Providence prioritizes relationship over religious rigidity, community partnerships over a “we’ve got this” mentality, and openhanded generosity over fear and faithlessness to meet the real needs of struggling neighbors. I was inspired. (approximate play time 10 minutes)
Mike Slaughter, pastor emeritus and global church ambassador for Ginghamsburg Church, served for nearly four decades as the lead pastor and chief dreamer of Ginghamsburg and the spiritual entrepreneur of ministry marketplace innovations. Mike is also the founder and chief strategist of Passionate Churches, LLC, which specializes in developing pastors, church staff and church lay leaders through coaching, training, consulting and facilitation services. Mike’s call to “afflict the comfortable” challenges Christians to wrestle with God and their God-destinies. Mike’s latest book, from which this post is partially excerpted, is Revolutionary Kingdom: following the Rebel Jesus, available on Amazon and Cokesbury.